GOTS steht für Global Organic Textile Standard. Diese Zertifizierung ist weltweit führend für Ökologische Textilien, da sie auch ökologische und soziale Kriterien berücksichtigt. GOTS umfasst jeden Schritt des Produktionsprozesses, von der Faser bis zum fertigen Kleidungsstück.

Zertifiziert durch ECOCERT Greenlife, Lizenznummer 243975.

We produce all our fabrics in Tirupur, southern India. Then they are transported up to Delhi to be sewn at an Indian factory with which we have been working very closely since 2013. Located in Delhi, this family-owned factory has been operating for more than 25 years. Over the years we have come to identify strongly with India and our business partners. We have a strong passion for the country, and we respect their diversity and their professional skills.

We visit the factory once or twice a year and always very much look forward to these visits.